Month: September 2004

  • Isn’t this just fantastic, its like 9:45pm right now, and I gotta do 6
    journals for my english and its due tomorrow morning. I know its just
    so awesome, this is exactly why I don’t do anything for the past 2
    weeks and for like the past 2 hours I haven’t been doing my work, but
    I’ve just been wasteing time on the computer.
    Awwwh Shananigens!!!!

    But anyways on another note, With this new faster better newer modem
    that i got now, I can finally hook this junkie roughter back up, and it
    actually works now. even though I can’t upgrade the FirmWare.

    But anyways, I gotta get to my lovely homework now, one of the topics is about your pet peeves. Two of my pet peeves is,
    1. People that where their hat all crooked.
    2. People in there stupid little rice burner honda or toyota or what
    evers, that think there all bad and fast just cause they stuck a
    freggin pipe on their car.

  • Election Time.    Yeah its comeing close to that time
    of one of those years again, time to go vote some people into office.
    Last saturday, I had to go all day and work as a “Precinct
    Official”, just sitting there giving people the ballots and
    telling them how to vote. It was pretty boring but I thought it was
    funny when ever somebody messed up on their ballot and had to re-do the
    whole thing over again. But I did get to see Kat Scratch aka Uni Brah,
    from Da Braddah’s and friends, and I saw this guy with a deformed
    Batman tattoo on his left fore arm.

  •     I just figured out that alot of the time, when I’m
    just ill’n on the comp, I’ll get bored pretty easily. But when I got
    some report or some work that I gotta do, then all of a sudden there is
    alot of fun stuff on the net for me to waste my time with, and I don’t
    get bored.   now that is something to think about…
        I don’t wanna do any more work, I worked so so hard
    Friday and Saturday, doing math, english, and art homework, also
    cleaning up and out my room a little bit.

    I Wanna Eat Some Pie.

  • Oh, boy, I have no idea what my english teacher’s problem is, but she
    definately has got some. We got a journal thing due every wenesday. She
    told us that during the semester we have 2 grace periods, where if we
    don’t do it, we just turn it in the next week with the other journals
    done and its all good. So Shananigans, I didn’t do mines this week, and
    she just gets all Nutz on me telling me that I gotta do it and if i
    don’t then I might as well not bother comeing to class. OK THEN. I’m
    all thinking jumpin jimminy crickets, whats your Problem, I didn’t do
    it, So What, I soposed to have one of those “grace periods” that you
    talked about, but if she wants to give me a F for it then, whoop de
    doo. Shoots, No Prob. Don’t gotta all Nutz.