Month: August 2005

  • -Tuesday, August 30, 2005

    I did today…. I counted my loose change in order to get $41.66, how
    much MotoGP 3 costs. since I was planing on reserveing the game and
    buying it all in loose change. $8.16 in pennies, $4.60 in nickels,
    $21.40 in dimes, and $7.50 in quarters. but out of everything, I had a
    little over $70 in change.

    Me and my lil organizing loose change
    session made me late for school. I left the house at 11. and of course,
    when I all ready made my self late that means that theres gonna be no
    gas in the car, and I have to go out of the way to put gas. Its real
    sad when 20 bucks barely even gets you half a tank. $2.799 a gallon.
    wasnt really that late when I got to school. what made me real late was
    my no worries attitude. There was no parking to be found, and when
    going around the block, I was in the wrong lane and couldnt get over
    and just ended up driving around for a while, trying to figure out
    which way was the way back to school. a bunch of wrong turns and, lets
    see, I ended up passing by the dole cannery, china town, ala moana, and
    waikiki. I eventually found my way back to school, a parking space, and
    45 minutes late for class. class ended  about 23 minutes later.

    to the mall, cause I had work at 2 and I wanted to reserve the game
    before I started. but first I checked in with Alwin about how I could
    possibly get up to about 2 hours of overtime this week. So he said for
    me to start right then (1:09) and just leave at 8, though later that
    got changed to 6.
    Work was ok, even though I was the only schedualed
    usher untill 5, It was still cruise. The recruiter guy showed up again
    today to try and get more people. I don’t think I’ll be showing up for
    his lil communist meeting he schedualed to have with me tomorrow.
    I left work at 6:25, and got 8 minutes of overtime.

    home for a little bit, then went back to the mall at 8 cause I had to
    pick up Cortney. Thats when I gave my $41.66 in coins to the people at
    GameStop. They counted it all out. except the pennies. One of the guys
    there, hey, his name is Ryan. haha. thats pretty strange, the guy that
    worked there before that wouldnt accept my coins was named Ryan too.
    anyways, this Ryan didnt wanna count 816 pennies, so he took my coins
    and gave me money for it, which I used to reserve the game. He did that
    for all my change except the quarters, cause he didnt mind haveing to
    count those. So now I have my copy of GP Moto 3 all paid off and I can
    just pick it up when it comes in tomorrow. uhh, ”DanO The ManO” has
    gotta start hooking me up with his so called $5 games discount from
    best buy, before I cut too deep into my D680 fund, with videogames.

    speaking of that, I found out that Verrono wants to get a bike
    liscense, so I gave him the sign-up paper for the LCC classes that they
    gave out to us when I took the class.

    anything else, um, I went
    to longs and got a bright, neon, floresent, orange, posterboard. Now I
    can make that note for Alisha about me being part time.

    I hit up the mall with post-it slaps. the Hip Hop iHop. Das My Bank
    deposit box. the kidney car is a Ricer. the verizon wireless guy Likes
    Boys. Glow Putt is Deck As Ef. Pac-Sun is Poseurs ‘R Us. a seat is
    reserved for Tommy Clowers. Subway, Eat Corporate America. Pepsi
    machine, thanks for choosing Corporate B.S.. ciggerates, Theres Cooler
    Ways To Die. QuickSilver and Roxy, The Brand Of Poseurs.

    SOTD: The Halo Effect – Section 8
    STTA: fool. Im a hardcore straight edge posuer. lets cuddle untill the break down. – Blair – suposedly makeing fun of me.
    “you look like a supermodel…. so proper…” – Jamie – WTF??? no.
    just, no. seriously, theres like nothing to say about that, but WTF?.
    please, don’t ever say that again. I was just all, “uh….. thanks….. i guess….” so thats a first, and hopefully a last.
    H/M: good/no worries

    The last 5 Halo 2 maps came out free today. I downloaded them, but didnt play any of it yet.

    what am I doing up at 3am, on a school night? I think I’ll skip my 8:05 econ class tomorrow.

    last night was a nice clear night too. haha, whats better than kickin
    back, stareing up at the stars, eating a ice cream bar, and seeing a
    shooting star right after thinking about it.

    dang, the cut on my leg, from yesterday, looks pretty sick.

    and yeah, cool, the rich text editor from xanga premium is now available for everone.

  • - Friday, August 26, 2005

    Its late, I’m tired, I’m gonna try and finish this entry as fast as possible. which shouldn’t be hard. since their really aint anything to write about.
    lets see, I had school today. I didnt have to go to english class today, but I did anyways, nothin better to do. Then History, haha, the instructor is a trip. He has the hardest time trying to figure out how to turn off the digital projector. and we get to watch videos on the old school, ancient, video projector. its great.
    Then I had work. just the same old, same old. nothing new there. Except some new employees. Shawn, Josh, and Kamu showed up. they watched The Cave.
    I droped $320 towards my reservation for the xbox360. I would have payed it all off, but I have a $300 daily limit for how much I can take out of my checking account. I just need to pay off like $40.84 . and then its all taken care of and out of the way. with the tax it costs like $416.
    So, I guess thats about it for now. there maybe a couple other things on my mind, but I’ll save that for some other time, if I remember, when I’m not in a rush to get off this thing and go to bed.

    SOTD: Dream Come True – NHOI
    STTA: An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Go Blind – Gandhi
    H/M: ok/as far as right now is concerned-great.

  • -Tuesday, August 23, 2005

    no time to do much of anything else besides school and work today. lets see, I had my one class at HCC today. ICS 102. Its some Internet course. Seems pretty cruise, though, I won’t say it’ll be a total complete waste of my time. Class finished at about 12:45, and I got to work at 1:07, not bad.
    work was ok. It was a slow day, and I had help cleaning the theatres, so it was cool. Spent about the last 2hrs and 20mins of my shift at the podium. I was bored and there was this roll of tape in the podium. It was kind of like a roll of duct tape, though it’s colored black. I put the tape along the edges of the podium. oh yeah, and the answer would be yes, the lady that was standing at the podium yesterday and monday, still actually thinks my name is Tony. She came to watch a movie today. blah, I forgot to pick up my paycheck before I left work today. Guess I’ll go tomorrow after school.
    and Cortney now works at the popcorn stand. had to wait for her after work.

    SOTD: Different – Aceptance
    H/M: good/fine

  • - Monday, August 22, 2005

    Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok o kok oko kokfoskfowekfa;oijdfal;jksdf. haha.
    typeing with a good keyboard now. the new one I got yesterday, I went
    back and exchanged it for one with a non-broken shift key, unlike the
    broken shift key one I was useing yesterday. booyakasha.

    anyways, I’m getting a head of my self here. I woke up bright and early
    at about 6:47, I think. After going to bed just before 12:30 last
    night, which is the earliest that I’ve went to sleep in quite a while.

    So, today was the of school. First class, Economics 130 at 8:05. The class seems ok. Chase is in that class, I haven’t seen the guy in forever. English 100, oh no, not this again…. dreading takeing this class. and finally History 151, the instructor is some weird, funny, old, guy. Felix is in the class. haha, I can imagine him asking for rides after class. but nah, hopefully he has his own transportation now. well, theres not really much to say about the first day. I had to try my hardest not to fall asleep in class, not really that I didnt get enough sleep last night, I got over 6 hours of sleep, and thats good enough, but not good enough when I didnt get any sleep the night before that. I didnt buy my books yet, but It’s gonna be about $200 for those 3 classes.
    Tomorrow, I have my ICS 102 class at HCC.

    oh, and then after class tomorrow I have work. at 1. and I finish class at 12:45. oh well. Saw my schedule today and they at least got the times right, they didnt schedual me untill at least 2 on the weekdays. Though, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I could possibly start as early as 1.  And those freggin communists have me still on for full time! ARWH! I’m schedualed for like 43 hours or something next week, I don’t know how I’m gonna get any school work done.

    So yeah, like I said before, I took my keyboard back for a new one.
    Then stoped by the movie theatre to, 1. Make sure Alwin wasn’t working today. 2. see if paychecks came in today, cause I gotta buy those overpriced books. and 3. to check my schedule.. That work-aholic, Alwin was once again there. The guy hasn’t spent a single day away from the theatre for like 2 weeks now. Told him not to come in today, but he said people called in sick, so he had to come in and help out…. liar.  Nope, paychecks didnt come in today. and I seriously have to give them like 50 giant neon posterboards saying that I NEED TO BE PART TIME! and If they don’t get it right by the next scheduleing, I seriously will do it. well, maybe not 50 copys of it, hopefully 1 giant neon posterboard will be enough.   hmm… I wonder if the lady that was standing at the podium still thinks my name is “Tony.” I know, I’m just so horrible, messing with the new employees. but still, I think its funny. ok yes, I have a weird sense of humor.
    Then I went and bothered Sara untill my Mom called me to tell me she was outside waiting for me.

    went home. Got to use the car and the car totally reaks, like there’s something dead in it. Anyways, picked up Aaron. went back to the mall since the only thing he could think of doing was going to see a movie. Oooh, saw CBR Guy’s bike parked outside the mall, but not by the movies. I just had to go and walk around his bike and “wow” at it. Because of time restraints, we didnt watch any movies. Just bothered Sara somemore. Bothered some kids in GameStop. Messed with an employee at Sam Goody asking if they sell Albums of bands they don’t have there. But you know what, They can actually special order the album for you, if it’s in their computer and available for order. Youth Of Today, Ignite, and Converge are available for special order. Never Heard Of It is in the computer, but not available for order. Thankfully, at least, they have no record of Hudson River School or And Then I Turned Seven. hm, what else, messed around in KB for a bit. Got my Air Hockey revenge on Aaron, beat him 7-6. Then we had to go to macy’s to get something to drink, because according to Aaron, macy’s has the best free water in the mall. That was about it. On the way to drop him off at his house, discovered teh digital camra in the glove compartment. awh, If I’d only known that before…… haha. It’ll be something for next time…. ah, yes, next time…

    SOTD: Ruca – Sublime
    STTA: me – “Check this out, Ou-E-Jah
    arron – “Thats, Ou-E-Gee Son.”
    me – “No its not, look its glow in the dark, its like Ouija board part two.” *points at the box that just says Ouija* “see. Its with a -Jah at the end, if not then it would be a -Gee.”  – me and aaron while in k.b. – uhh, how portagee can I get.
    H/M: good/good, while just so sleepy at the same time.

    Just downloaded this Deer Park Alpha 2 browser. It’s basically the same thing as Firefox, except some extentions dont work on it. From what I understand, Its just a release to get all the bugs worked out for the next version of Firefox.

    Gee, that was a pretty long entry. but here, I’ll make it longer with a couple of select strips. These two gave me a good laugh when I saw them. but you know what, It’s like, I’m teh ‘official loser’ reading all these webcomics. *I shake my head at my self* oh well, whatcha gonna do. It’s still all good. haha.

  • - Saturday, August 20, 2005.

    uh, no more cheese for me.
    I didnt have work untill 5, so I got to
    watch one piece and Shaman King. Oh, it was the saddest episode ever.
    Zeke is absorbing Yoh’s soul and the others cant stop him. He just
    destroyed the 1080 beads. But Len and the rest of them wont give up. 2
    episodes left. Backup is on the way, in the form of Sharona & The
    -ly’s, some other shamans, and maybe even mickiehisah and goldva. Next
    week’s episode is when Zeke will try to have the spirit of fire sallow
    the king of spirits. and I dont know, but I hope Yoh can somehow free
    himself from Zeke, before its too late. Cause if not, then its over for

    work. it was enjoyable enough for what it was. Alwin told me I couldnt
    be wearing, these uber cool poseur sunglasses I found. Sticker slaped
    the stop sign outside, with a sticker of some band that was playing at
    the mall earlier. I bet it was one of the scenester kids who droped it
    on their way out from watching Red Eye.
    Speaking of that, it reminded me that, today, for the first time ever,
    a customer who saw me X’d up, and knows about sXe, actually said
    something about it. I was at podium. After I gave her, her ticket back.
    She goes, “Straight Edge…” as she walks away holding up her hand doin
    the ‘rock on’ thing. haha, that was cool.

    Just because I’m an Idiot, I decided that I won’t go to sleep tonight.
    I have school Monday morning and I’ll probably be half asleep in class,
    if not fully asleep.
    -Sunday morning. Give me a break, why does my neighbor have to come
    home at almost 4am and just ruin my nice, peaceful and relaxing time of
    stareing up at such a nice looking night sky. an almost full moon,
    and not much clouds in the sky. I was out there long enough to get to see a shooting star, or two.
    Was planing on watchng the F1 race, but it was putting me to sleep, so
    instead I wasted my time with layouts, codes, and whatevers on this
    xanga. Took me to the break of dawn. And then typeing this entry with
    an on-screen keyboard takes soo long too. I need to get a new keyboard asap.

    SOTD: Number Seven With A Bullet – Bleeding Through
    & Swing Life Away – Rise Against

    I’ll show you mine if you show me yours first
    Let’s compare scars, I’ll tell you whose is worse…

    We live on front porches and swing life away,…

    Swing life away…

    STTA: “Oh yeah that’s Dag Wompadletad, he is
    supervising clerk in charge of the oversea accounts dollar menu at the
    local Taco Bell. – Husker aka Jared – in reply to a emo philips
    picture. – Straight Edge Online

    H/M: ok/ok… i guess…, been better…

  • - Friday,  August 19, 2005

    Spilled  Milk + Keyboard  = a  messed up keyboard =
    certain buttons don’t work right = I need to  make use of the on-screen keboard = this sucks.

    Had a nice day. Just the usual 3 time wasters until I had to leave for work. Get in the car and the fuel guage is in the red, .
    Put gas and got to work with a couple minutes to spare. Work was cool.
    Had two new ushers, introduced myself as “Tony”. haha. Gave away my
    Supercross poster, by going into the theatre and throwing it into the
    audiance. Kevin drew a swastika on the ground, by the dumpsters, with
    yellow paint. Put the 40 yr old virgin standee up against the stop
    sign. Later it fell over and got run over by a car. But he put it back
    up. Then put the 4 Brothers standee up in the parking lot, up against a
    At the end of the night Dion and I had to take them down. The security
    guard talked to Mino about it, said The Mall called it in. haha.

    STOD: On Wings Of Lead – Bleeding Through
    STTA: W00T.
    H/M: good/”All things considered, I’m doing just fine… even though theres a…”

  • why, why do I allways have to screw up with this thing and cause my
    entry to be lost after I type the whole thing out. ARWWWH!!!!!

    - Thursday, August 17, 2005

    so what was today? today was boreing, thats what it was. and what did I
    do today? I did pretty much nothing at all, and had work. hmm, ain’t I
    teh suck.

    At work, Alwin asked me about being lead staff/a supervisor. I told him
    ok. asked: if that means that I cant do stupid stuff anymore. answer:
    preferably yes. uhh, thats gonna blow like the wind. Already I can’t
    have any stupid fun at the mall because of this security guard who
    hates me. and now I won’t get to mess around at work, doing stuff that
    I should get in trouble for, but don’t. well, the change won’t take
    place for about a week and a half or so, maybe. and untill then, I’ll
    continue with my fun.

    Heard that Aaron Carter makes an appearance in SuperCross. So that
    seals it, that I’m never gonna watch that movie. I’ve all ready heard
    it sucks, and I’ve pretty much been expecting it to suck. I was still
    thinking about going and seeing it, but now thats a definate no.

    Blah, everything is cutting into my D680 fund. haha. School starts next
    week, I still gotta buy my books, and thats always an easy $400. Then
    with the Xbox 360 coming out in November, right now with what I want
    for that, it’s asking about $650. urhh, I’m afraid to think about what
    a PS3 may cost.

    SOTD: Broken Promises – Moments Of Grace
    STTA: old man in the red corvette. bring it on.
    H/M: good/not bad

  • - Friday, August 12, 2005

    I pretty much had the day to my self, doing the usual nothing of computer, xbox and tv. it was ok.

    Had work 6-11. When I got there, I found out that Jon D. just quit
    today. haha, I know he’s been thinking about it for a while. ah, all
    these people quitting and wanting to quit… So, anyways, I guess that
    him leaving opens up a spot for a new usher supervisor/lead staff, what
    ever you wanna call it. and I think that if I wanted to, I might be
    able to take his position, but I don’t know if I wanna do that. and
    plus, I’m gonna switch to Part Time when school starts, so… yeah…
    and when I was first comeing into work today, some strange little kid,
    (that I have no clue who he is or if I have even seen him before) is
    outside the front entrance, and he tells me, “hey, I’ve been looking
    for you.”  wtf?  I was just like, “ok…?” and continued to
    walk away.  maybe he was one of the lucky people to get nachos
    from me before, and wanted another.

    oh, and I found out today that the Daytona actually is gonna be a
    triple in ’06. bye-bye, inline 4. and its gonna be a 675cc. but still,
    come on, a Triple??? <Vader>NOOOOOO!!!!!</Vader> Well,
    anyways, I’ll miss my hopes and dreams of having a Daytona 650, but I
    think the new ’06 Daytona 680 will nicely fill the gap.   uh, just gotta wait till Sept. 30, when they officially show it, to get all the specs and details.

    SOTD: You Shouldn’t Kiss Me Like This – Toby Keith
    STTA: oi
    H/M: just fine/ok

  • -Monday, August 8, 2005

    yes, finally! this morning I got my motorcycle liscense!!! ah, I can’t
    wait to burn  about $650 on a helmet, $250 on a jacket and $60 on
    $8,000 on the bike, $350 on tires, $300 on brakes, $300 on a power
    comander, and i dont know how much on a 520 conversion, alarm, intake
    and exaust, insurance, undertail, lights, etc…. well actually I can wait.
    but why do I have to be one of the lucky ones who is cursed with bad
    liscense and permit pictures?  well, at least now that I have a
    new liscense and can say goodbye to my old one from about two and a
    half years and a hundred pounds ago, I won’t have to deal with people
    doing their double take when they see me and then see my liscense. and
    no more wows, congradulations, or how’d you do its.

    then, i just played Halo 2 untill I had to go to work. just the usual
    slow monday. all I got out of work today was about 30 cents, 2 Ernie
    Ball guitar picks, and another one of the Sunglasses that I’ve taxed
    from the lost and found.

    SOTD: Catch My Disease (and thats the way I like it) – Ben Lee
    & Neighborhood #3 (Power Out) -
    The Arcade Fire
    H/M: good/good

  • - Friday, August 5, 2005

    I could of gone to Chucky Cheese today. but I didn’t, cause I was just
    wanted to be a lazy bum and do nothing. Spent a good 3 hours of my
    lazyness just watching the X Games.
    Travis Pastrana tried doing a backflip, barspin, but the front end
    broke off. Freestyle MotoX is tomorrow, i think. maybe the 199 might
    throw down the rumored double backflip from last year, but he was
    limping around durring best trick, so I dont know.
    Tommy Clowers won Step-Up. mr. Showtime, Jerremy McGrath, couldn’t get
    past 31 feet on his $100,000 bike. haha. and the TomCat won on a stock
    yamaha. hopefully MC’s $100k bike will prove more of a help in the
    speaking of expensive bikes. the mirical boy, dave mirra was on a $30k
    gold plated bike, and ate it big time, getting a concussion and a spot
    out of the vert compatition.
    They also had Skateboard Vert.. that was a pretty exciting one. that
    little punk sean white is getting too good. it sucks. Bucky messed up
    on all his runs, landing him self in last place. But thats ok, cause
    the PLG finally got the gold after being robbed of it last year by the
    judges and their christmas presant to Bucky. and he toped Shaun White,
    so that was some added props to him.

    work tonight. It was ok. It was Cheryls last day so I had to throw her
    a going away party. haha. I just got ballons from the 99cent store, put
    the ballons in the break room, and drew some stuff on a few of them.
    Made a card for her and had everyone there sign it. also got her a
    eyeball bouncy ball, a bracelet, and a lick&stick tattoo. Also
    offered her the popsicle I made but she said I could have it. thats ok,
    cause later I found out that I did mess up with only putting the salt
    on the top layer of ice, some of it in the center wasnt frozen.

    SOTD: Come Together – The Beatles
    H/M: good/ok