Month: February 2006

  • - Tuesday, February 21, 2006

    Anyways. So, since I forgot my backpack at work last night, and my dad’s van is in the shop, and he was using my mom’s car, and I didn’t want to Cortney for a ride, and It was raining pretty much all day, I was stuck at home, without a way to go to work to get my backpack, my paycheck and give Alwin my availiblity again.

    So I basically just did nothing all day.
    xbox and the computer.
    waiting for my dad to come home with the car.
    Which I wasn’t really expecting.
    I was expecting that I’d have to ride my bike in this wet weather tonight.
    but, he came home home by 9:30, with my mom, who worked today.

    Since I didn’t have my backpack with me all day, I didn’t have my Sociology book, all day. Which means I didn’t get any work done…. awwwwrrh!


    - Monday, February 20, 2006

    Presidents day… holiday… no school… haha. yeah, like that would have made a differance for me….
    work. 5-11? yup. and I knew it… once I got there that there would be all this work that I’d have to do cause the person working earlier didn’t do it…. same old, same old….
    So, I was in a kind of a bad mood earlier in the shift. but got better as the night went on.

    Ooh, it was soo funny… After Max and I cleaned the auditorium for When A Stranger Calls, he went behind the screen, and I let the people go in. First was this guy and I guess his girlfriend. They go in, and when they start walking up the stairs, Max makes a farting sound, and the girl looks back at the guy. haha. and the guy is busy looking down at his ticket in his hand.
    next is two military guys. and while they’re walking up the entrance way, one of them kind of trips. Max says, “watch your step.” and they guy replys, “oh, thank you.”  lolzorz.
    after they’re all sitting down and waiting, Max comes out from behind the screen, acting like he’s opening and closing a door, and then just walks out of the auditorium. The people are just stareing at him, like, where the heck did he come from?!
    well, that was the highlight of the night.

    - Sunday, February 19, 2006

    Work. 11-9. Soo ghey. That’s like the worst shift ever.
    So it was just the average day.
    I wasn’t expecting to give anything away today… but, when Gavin was in concession, this lady who ordered a large popcorn, just emptied the popcorn into the boxes right there and gave the bag back to Gavin. So, we kept it on the side to give away as a “refill”.
    I gave it away to 3 hotties.
    Gavin said he had another one to give away, I don’t know if he did or not.

    There was the luser kid with his From First To Last t-shirt. the last time I told him that I think Sonny Moore sucks. but yeah, him and his 3 friends were here again. They watched Date Movie, and then I saw them go into Nanny McPhee. So, Max and I kicked them out, and I also told the kid to stop wearing that From First To Last shirt. haha.

    Then we found a wallet in Date Movie, which we later found out was the from first to last kid’s. anyways. Max took the wallet, and he left wide open in the bathroom for about 5-10 minutes. Then he took it to the podium for lost and found.
    Then the kid came back looking for his wallet, he got it back. with no money in it.
    he said he had change from two movie tickets that was paid with a 50, so that would be 38 bucks. But max said he only saw 27 when he looked in it, and didn’t take it.
    normally, I’d be all for unfortunate things happening to From First To Last listening/supporting kids, but that was just wrong. that’s just effed up. and he’s a kid too, looks like maybe 12 years old, I’d guess.

    and the fat chicks that wanna kill me were there again… haha.

    well, I got to leave at 8:15… and it was raining uber hard on my way home, I could hardly see teh road. I left early for nothing. Unless it was something like b.s. and teh loss of expectations that I was coming home for.

    - Saturday, February 18, 2006

    hmm…. 1-11. yuppp, my whole day right thurr.
    I was telling people coming out of Date Movie that they’re gonna miss teh awesome music at the end of the credits, so I got some people to go back in. It was funny. Then Kenneth chased them out. haha.

    nothing much else. cept, the chick that gave Giovanni, her number last night was at the mall. I think I saw her with a little girl too. Yup, and Giovanni was at the movies too. He said he called her and she’s 22 and he told her that he’s 17. And she was still all trying to get him to come over and have a beer. haha. he declined.

    not much else goin on.

    - Friday, February 17, 2006

    hmmm…. It was a nice day today. I really wish I would have went out for a ride.
    anyways, I had work at 5.

    It was just the usual stuffs goings ons. I put up another note. This time at the podium. where it says “No outside food or drinks are allowed” I added, “or Hipsters” to it. haha.

    Then at the end of the night, Giovanni got this match book from some chick. It had Meaningful Overnight Relationship printed on the top of it. Then on the inside she wrote her name and number and (PS. I have a car) hahaha.

    Also, one of the fat chicks that wants to kill me was outside, so I took the long way around to get to teh car.

  • - Thursday, February 16, 2006

    hmmm…. Work. 11-530. Podium. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was gonna be. I got caught playing hackysack within the first 5 minutes of being there. So, I couldn’t do that.
    I made a sign, and put it up in the box office, where Dorrean was. It said, “Sorry for the inconvinence, but in the best intrest of and the safety of our customers. We do NOT allow Hipsters into the theatre. Thank you, for your understanding.”
    Dorean didn’t leave it up for that much customers, but like everyone that it was up for, they all noticed it. And alot of them were stareing at it with weird looks on their faces.
    This one older lady was like, “uhh… I’m I considered a hipster?” haha.
    Then the hipster kids that we put it up for came and bought a ticket for when a stranger calls. and the girl was all staring at it, and it looked like it made her all sad. lol.
    well, that was pretty much the highlight of the day.
    I also got a 25 cent raise today. blah.

    - Wednesday, February 15, 2006

    blah. didn’t do anything today. skiped class, and didn’t get any work done.
    made another acount on xbox. xKATLYNxRAWKZx.

    - Tuesday, Februrary 14, 2006

    Valentines Day. uhh… it was ok, I guess.

    - Monday, February 13, 2006

    Uhhh… skiped school.
    Went to Restraunt Row, to watch Tristan & Isolde, with Aarron.
    Its an ok movie. The begining had some pretty wicked awesome action, like gladiator worthy scenes. A guy gets his hand choped off.
    Its good, but it would have been better if you didn’t know it was a Romeo and Juliet thing. Cause then your expecting them to die at the end. It would have been more powerful if you didn’t know it was ineventably going to happen.

    - Sunday, February 12, 2006

    I don’t know. Work, from 12-8. so ghey.
    the usual.
    but Alwin bought pizza again. I had a slice.
    gave away only a little fun size skittles thing to some little girl, for give away day.

    - Saturday, February 11, 2006

    Work 1-11, pretty much my whole day right thurr. at least it didn’t suck like last saturday, there was 4 of us cleaning this time.
    uhhh… I know something else good happened today, but I forget what. oooh, We had a meeting this morning. and max and kim got into an argument. max is all like, “I know the people in projection have alot of down time and they should come down and help out”
    Kim starts going off about how his all hard and anoying to do inventory, something that no other projectionist has ever complained about, to my knowledge. she’s all like, “the last thing I want to be doing when midnight rolls around is to be counting dish washing soap.”
    max tells her, “well, when I was projectionist in california, we’d be there till 3/4 o’clock in the morning.”
    kim yells back, “this isn’t california!” haha. they go back and forth, and she’s all like, “I’m not going to get into a fight with you!” lolzorz. it was great.
    I was laying down durring the meeting, with my hat over my face and sunglasses on.

    Then on top of that greatness, when I had to work. Kenneth brought a sword and a dagger of his, to show me. it was soo cool. I even got to Pop some balloons with it. It was awesome! come on, who else gets to play with a Sword at work? I do.

    I also broke my record for trash stacking. haha. 22.

    - Friday, February 10, 2006

    BEST DAY OF THE YEAR SO FAR!!!! I saw CBR GUY!!!!!!!
    Just waved, hi. Good thing he didn’t come up to me and shake my hand and say hi, or else, I would have just fainted from all the joy and excitement.
    That was the highlight of the whole day right there. It just made it a great day.
    and Alwin bought pizza for everyone, but I didnt let myself have any.
    Sent out a valentines card to Anna.

  • Here’s something for any of the peeps who subscribe to me……

    I’m awesome!!!

    I’ll update sometime soon… I promise. (fingers crossed? but you can’t see that, now can you.)

  • - Wednesday, February 8, 2006

    Set my alarm for 10, but just went back to bed untill finally getting up a little after 11.
    I today wasn’t really a productive day at all for me.
    Skiped class. Gotta read 3 chapters and write a paper on it, due monday.
    Wanted to ride, but since I didn’t do it goin to school, I went to the movies.

    I saw Good Night, and Good Luck. I was kind of expecting more. I mean, it was pretty good and all, but It wasn’t the awesomeness that that I’ve been hearing it to be.
    When It first started playing, and I was in there. I was wondering why. I didn’t want to watch a drama. I would rather be watching a comedy or some action. And the black and white too, just didn’t bring any nostalgia that it could have. I was actually thinking about leaving at the begining of the movie.
    But it turned out not that bad. It didn’t find myself bored at all, and I was expecting my self to be.
    Good Movie, but I’ll take the other movies I’ve seen this year, Grandma’s Boy, Hostel, and Underworld, over this one. Though, Good Night, and Good Luck actually came out last year. But I’ll add it onto this year’s movie list of mines just for the sake of it.

    You ever go to instant message someone, and right before you type that last word of the sentence to IM them, they sign off. well, that just happened to me right now. so, haha, kablam in my face.

    SOTD: Out Of Control – Rufio
    STTA: ninjas are soo gay
    H/M: uhhhm good…/jus goin with the flow.

  • I think I don’t like updating this everyday like I used to because…. uh…. I’m just too lazy, and I don’t manage my time very well. Also, I like to blame the peeps who subscribe to me. Cause I don’t wanna end up in a email to them. Nobody needs to be reading any emails abooot how I do nothing day after day. eh.

    - Thursday, February 2, 2006

    yesterday was my nephew’s 4th birthday, I kinda forgot, but also kinda didn’t. And I don’t care at all.
    Work today. 10-5:30. ahhh, I miss working on the weekdays. It’s sooo slow. It’s great.

    on my break I went to dominico’s to buy a new can of chain lube for my bike. I was hoping teh hottie was working, but no, too bad for me.
    and OOOOHHH BABY… They got a  ’06 Yamaha R1-LE!!! That thing looks SWEEEEET! Even though it’s still slower than an ’05 GixxerK1

    I wasn’t really feeling good at all this afternoon and evening. but now I’m feeling better.
    and in an overall contempt mood. not all that great, but what can ya do.

    I also ordered a custom License Plate today, for my bike. I’ve been thinking about it for a while. and I don’t know what made me finally do it today. For some reason, I just did it, without thinking about it anymore.

    oh and I finally got my 1 year evaluation over with at work today. About 3 months late, but oh well. So, I’ll probably get a 25 cent raise. Though, I was trying to press him for 26 cents. haha.

    - Wednesday, February 1, 2006

    The last few days just absolutely sucked out loud and blew like the wind, both at the same time. I was doing horrible. But, today? Today, was pretty good.
    and I was having such a good time, that I didnt go to class at all today. haha.

    well it wasn’t all G. I had to get up at 11, to drop my mom and aunty off at the airport.

    From there, I went to CompUSA. I spent pretty much the last of my
    birthday money. 70 bucks on the Hawking’s Broadband Booster. I figured
    its worth it, since it’ll help cut down on any lag from when other
    people in the house is also using the internet at the same time that
    I’m playing online. So even though, I hardly ever have a problem with
    lag from the shared connection and the broadband booster doesn’t
    actually boost the speed of your connection, I still think it was worth
    Cause now I have an excuse to saying that the one lagging up the game isn’t me. haha.

    - Tuesday, January 31, 2006

    Lets see… I had to go to the mall to get my schedule for next week. Road my bike.
    Alwin, that luser, only gave me one of the shifts that I asked for.

    I watched Flight 93 on A&E. It was worth the hour and fourty five
    minutes of my time. But I just would have like to see F16s shoot down
    the Airplane, instead of having Abdulah over here, fly it into the
    ground after Mr., “Lets Roll!” and all them got into the cockpit.

    Then the rest is the samething you’ve heard a thousand times before.

    - Monday, January 30, 2006

    Nothin much here. I skiped English class again. Then went to Sociology
    class. we were just watching a video about Def people. She didn’t even
    take row.

    other than that it was just the usual. Halo 2 and DOA4, Monday Night Raw, and Teh Computer.

    oh, and the package I sent Icey, got there today. That was pretty quick. I was giving it till like Wednesday.

    - Sunday, January 29, 2006

    Work. 10-5:30. The usual. Kim, teh “Eye In The Sky” watching us through
    her spyglass as we clean the theatre…. I hate her. She calls up Alwin
    and tells him that were not putting the armrests all the way up. So,
    Terrie is sent to give us the word. and She tells us, “The ‘Secret
    Checker’ complained to Alwin that not all of the armrests were up all
    the way”
    omfg. so B.S.. First off, If your gonna lie to us, then try to make it
    a believeable one. Cause the so called secret checker is not gonna go
    up to Alwin and reveal to him that he’s the a checker, something like
    that would go on the checker’s report. And I don’t think there’s
    anything that says the Armrests need to be up.

    And Kim is now a manager. So, this morning she told me to go into the
    auditoriums where the people were having church and to go clean
    anything up and put up all the armrests.
    Last week when she wasn’t a manager yet, She asked Russel to tell
    someone to do it, but he said we don’t have to since the church cleans
    up after themselves.
    Well, I didnt do it when she asked me to. I did it after she cried to
    Alwin about it. and still yet, then, I only put up the armrests half
    way. another plus is that I think I got her mad at me when I didn’t do

    Oh, and I rode my bike to work. So I wouldn’t be forced to go to my
    neice’s 1st birthday party. Cause if I had the car then I would have to
    go over there to help clean up and bring stuff back and all that. So
    this way, I got to have the awesomeness of being on my bike, and the
    piece of mind that I won’t have to spend any time with those idiots of
    a so-called family.
    And I also brought the cover for my bike, cause then I wouldn’t be
    worried at all about that beautiful thing sitting out there in the
    parkinglot for like 8 hours.

    Today, I just gave away a $5 gift certificate for Cold Stone. I was
    originally planing on giving away the Half-Life 2 poster that I got
    from GameStop, and autographing it too. haha.
    I still have one more $5 gift certificate.

    Also, wrote down my availiblity for Alwin. Along with the shifts that I’d most like to have.

    Then at the end of my shift, when I was leaving. I changed into my
    riding gear and all that, had my helmet and was walking to the back
    door. Kim goes, “awwww, daddy wouldn’t let you use the car?” omfg, I
    soo wanted to just turn around and tell her off.
    but that’s ok. its not worth getting fired over. Instead I’ll just go
    and maybe slash her tires or something. I don’t know. maybe I’ll just
    throw a bunch of screws and nails under her tires, or at least key it.
    Her stupid ghey Jeep.