Month: April 2006

  • - Wednesday, April 26, 2006

    work this morning. hmm… it was ok, but it felt kind of weird being there. Since I am quitting….
    I wonder if they can still fire you within your two week notice? Hopefully, Teresa will be nice and not do that.

    then just came home and wasted my entire day on the computer.

    - Tuesday, April 25, 2006

    So, I go to work this morning, expecting the usual… getting yelled at for (well, never really <i>”yelled”</i> at, but just getting complained to.) the things I didn’t get done the day before.
    But when Julie didn’t say a word to me, I figured something was up. Either that or she was fed up with trying to “remind me” of things to do.
    and It was no surprise when Teresa told me she wanted to talk to me.
    The same old B.S. about how I gotta get everything done on the effin list. She’s all saying how, I’m probably just working too slow, and I need to work faster/smarter…. She even said she thinks the bathrooms should probably take like 15 minutes to clean….. hmm.. yeah…. try more like 3 hours… to get it to your “really-really-good” standard, in which if it wasn’t cleaned, “really-really-good” then you think it wasn’t cleaned at all.
    She’s all asking if I wanted the job, and stay like maybe 30 hours a week if I have to, in order to get everything done. And to see, for like a week, if I’m getting the job done or not, and if not then they’re going to have to find someone else.
    You should have seen the look on her face when I told her I want to quit….  Priceless.
    She totally wasn’t expecting that at all, and it looked like she would have rather me not do that.
    well, even though I didn’t have to, I have two weeks left at that place.
    I really hope that they can find a guy named Clark Kent, who wears blue tights, and has a big ol’ S on his chest, to replace me. Because other then him, I don’t know who the ef is going to be able to reach their freggin Standard.

    Then I just came home and did nothing all day.
    Watched Undercover Brother. Ahh, that movie is still ooh soo Awesome.

  • - Monday, April 24, 2006

    nothing at all today.
    I slept for like 12 hours. and I was still tired after I woke up.
    just sitting at home.
    resting, cause I was still really tired, and not feeling good.
    I’m glad Ivan took my shift today.
    watched Mean Girls, but wasn’t really in the mood to laugh.
    and Melissa said she loves the present.

    - Sunday, April 23, 2006

    yea, I stayed up all night last night making this presant for Melissa.

    Then I had to go to work at 7:30. I was soo tired, I thought I was about to pass out on my feet… then I switched over the radio from classical to Hatebreed, and that helped a little to keep me up.

    after three and a half hours at the cleaners, I just went to the mall, even though I still had time before I started. 12-10.
    I was there at like 11:15 to drop off the present.
    Then dez, asked me if wanted to start early. said ok.

    Well, I was scheduled to do bathroom and theatre checks. So, I didn’t really have to clean any theatres. Though, I still did help out with a few. Awrhhhh… Sunday nights are usually the best, but blah. These theatre checks are soo boring. I was soooooo tired by the end of the night. It just went by soo slowly, and I was still really tired.

    Then I just came home and went to sleep.

  • - Saturday, April 22, 2006

    blah. work at teh cleaners… but just for 3 hours….

    Then home.
    Watched Sonic X.

    Then to the movies to watch The Sentinal.
    but I didnt get to see the last half hour or so of the movie, when it just started to get interesting…
    I had to leave to start work.
    It was a fun day.
    even though, I was stuck by my self for like 12 cleanings.

    saw Tai.

    Teh new thing, would be, asking peeps if they want their order to be made with love. Hahaha!!!!
    and you know what… they say yes…. lol.

    gave kenneth his birthday present I got for him… haha. he didn’t like it. he said he’s gonna get me back by giving me a dvd of hardcore gay porn.

    I’m soo tired, and I have soo much stuff to do right now….

    SOTD: “…..from the window… to the wall….” haha. get crunk. lol amirite.
    STTA: hey you guys……. – the goonies
    H/M: good/good enough for as of late

    And I got my PF Flyers!!! w00t!!!!!!! w00t!!!!!!!!!!

  • - Friday, April 21, 2006

    just worked 1-10.
    finished making the cd, just before I had to go. But then gulani didn’t play it, he said he was too busy with something else…
    it was a pretty average day. nothing real special abooot it.
    but, CBR Guy was there today… Yay! He said there’s a big ride tomorrow, 8:30 at Dominico’s. cause the owner died. he said he might go.
    Got brokeback mountain on dvd, as a birthday presant for Kenneth. haha. he’s soo gonna snap when he opens it. I’ll just make sure to keep the recipt.

    SOTD: Crazy Train
    STTA: “Kelly’s not here today. She’s competing in the special olympics.” – Jon teh uber ush, last year.
    H/M: good/what used to matter the most, doesn’t matter at all.

  • - Tuesday, April 18, 2006

    lets see, this time, I got yelled at for not cuting down vines….
    well not really yelled at or anything, I didn’t even feel the least bit down about it.
    work till 10. and then free the rest of the day…
    though, that doesn’t mean, I’m going to be doing anything……

    but before I came home, I stoped by the theatre, to pick up my paycheck, and drop off the CD I made to gulani. He played it in one of the theatres, ahhh… it was pretty funny, hearing baby got back on thurrr. But then he told me I have to take that one off. He aslo said he can’t have it playing the whole time, because of the “twenty”. The digital projector advertisement thing that comes on twenty minutes before the movie starts. Cause he can have the CD playing, but if he doesnt switch it back to the twenty, then the advertisements will be playing, but the sound will still be on the CD. So thats kind of a problem, which is why it will only be done when he’s working….. awwwwwwhhhh…..

    I watched American History X. It’s an ok movie, but I just don’t see the whole cult classic thing. It’s not that good at all. I guess I’m just not punx enough.

    ooh, but I’ll tell you what I am punx enough for… PF Flyers! whoamygosh!
    “Then Benny unvieled his secret weapon… PF Flyers. Shoes guaranteed to make a kid run faster and jump higher.” haha. well, too bad I’m an old man and not a kid anymore…
    but I’ve still gots an order in for a pair of those sweet sweet things.


    though, I still heart my vans…

    …at least the PF Flyers will stay on better then the vans, at shows…

    I also took a scissors to my Hurley Hoodie, as soon as I found out that Nike owns Hurley. yup yup yup, ripped it up and threw it away. Now I don’t have a hoodie, but oooh wells….

  • - Sunday, April 16, 2006 – Easter

    work… 7:30 to about 11:30? i think.
    anyways, I just did my time, and left.

    home for a little bit before I started at the theatre.

    Sunday nights are always supposed to be the best nights to work at the theatre. and, oooh, yes it is…
    And the mall was pretty much closed, so they had some of the parking lot coned off. So, I thought I’d do some shopping cart shenanigans, just for old times sake. But it’s kind of hard to do when there’s no shopping cart around. AWWWRRRHHH!!!

    anyways, my body was soo sore from getting crunk yesterday. Though I still managed to get crunk a time or two tonight. Even got Billie to join in, who was doing usher for teh first time ever in teh history of teh universe. That was pretty sweet.
    Then, thanks to Billie’s suggestion, I wanted to get crunk infront of everybody in the theatre, as soon as the credits started rolling.
    Gill said he’d do it with me. Cause I’m too chicken to go by myself. But he didn’t. He said it wasn’t music to break to, when we were in there and the credits started rolling. But the next song was teh crunk music, too bad everybody had left the theatre by the time it came on.

  • - Saturday, April 15, 2006

    hmmm… I guess today was pretty sweet…

    work 6:30-9:30.
    then home to catch Sonic X. wow, that show is getting pretty intense.

    work 12:30-8:00.
    It was fun.
    We were “gettin crunk” to the end credits music in Scary Movie 4. yup, yup, yup, we went down in the front, and was trying to do all the crunk moves, shoulder rolls and everything. haha.
    Good Charlott Girl was there. I invited her and her two friends to come and get crunk with us, but I think she thought I was talking about getting high…. she declined. And then she declined a really weird looking, saturday special give away prize…. I won’t go into details on that one…
    Then I got some bad news from Alwin. He told me that he was making me lead staff…. I kind of don’t want to be lead staff. I like messing around, and not caring. Now being lead staff will ruin all that. I’m not going to be able to have anymore fun… awwwww…..
    It’s like teh end of an era, or something… hahaha.

    then when all that funness was over at 8 o’clock, I went straight to Coffee Talk.
    got there about 8:45 or so. There was a lot more people there then the last time.
    It was cool.
    The 86 List played 3rd to last. after that a bunch of people left… (you know, all those poseurs. hahaha. nah, nah, nah.)
    Also since they took soo long to set up for the next band, more people left. Since, the 2nd to last band’s drummer wasn’t there, they set up for nothing, then the closing band had to set up.
    So after The Hellcaminos, the originally planed closing band, now playing 2nd to last played. Then pretty much everyone left. And might I add, that The Hellcaminos sounded A LOT better tonight then they did last week. Or maybe that was just me?

    Then they were taking long again to set up, for the Temporary Lovers, who were now going to close. It was almost midnight, and I was thinking about leaving, But there was like nobody left to hear them play. So I just had to stay and show some support. Something that like 95% of the people that went to Coffee Talk that night wern’t doing….
    There was like maybe 30 people left!!!!
    But, you know what. That’s what ended up making it soo awesome.
    Everyone was dancing, and having a great time.
    after it was all over, one girl said, “that was the best dance floor ever” or something like that. but yeah, I’d have to say that she was right.

    A lot of people missed out on something really special that night.
    But, had they stayed, it probably woudn’t have been as great as it was.

  • - Friday, April 14, 2006 – Good Friday

    Today actually was a really good day…

    first off, I didn’t work at the cleaners this morning. So that was a biigg plus.

    So, I just took it easy until I had to go to work at 12:30.

    work was fun. It was super super super busy when I got thurr, but it was still all G. Cause instead of working hard and cleaning all fast trying to get everything done, I just cruised it. Just didn’t give a rip if the theatres got cleaned or not, but still did my job, and still had fun doing it too.
    I was having a ball, with the customers today. One thing would be, when they’d come in, and I was by the podium. Whatever movie they were gonna see, I’d be all like, “I don’t know why your watching this. It’s horrible. You should go get a refund. I didn’t even pay for a ticket, and I wanted my money back….” all stuff like that, I’d tell them to go watch Stay Alive, wich is probably the worst movie playing right now.

    I was supposed to be off at 8, but I decided to stay till 11. Since I had nothing else to do.

    oooh, and the bestest thing ever, is that Gulanni, gave me two of the Widescreen Radio CD’s that they used to play in the theatre before the movie or the ad’s start playing. Well, now it all comes over the computer from the mainland, so they don’t send CD’s anymore. But he said that he can over-ride the computer with the CD.
    So I told him I’m gonna make my own Widescreen Raido CD. I’m gonna put in the widescreen radio theme music, commercials, and stuff to make it sound all official. And he said if it does sound real, then he’ll play it in the theatre the whole time, and not just when we’re cleaning.
    I’m soo gonna put Baby Got Back as the first song on there.

    SOTD: Remember Me Right – Ronnie Day
    H/M: great/happy

  • - Wednesday, April 12, 2006

    work at 6:30am.
    oooh soo soo tired…
    well, at least I didn’t get chewed out today.

    home around 11 sumthin.
    nothing to do.
    played maple story. level 16 now.

    my frame sliders and handle bar grips came in, and is at Cycle City right now. I gotta go pick them up sometime, whenever. I’ll probably put it off until I pick up the farring and helmet. Or I could ask my mom to pick it up, after she gets back from working, when ever the next time she works is.

    SOTD: American Pie (The Day The Music Died) – Don Mclean
    STTA: “level doesnt matter, their personality matters” – some kid on Maple Story – and whoa that is probably teh most nerdiest, dorkiest, luserific thing anybody has ever said in the history of teh world.
    H/M: ok/I’m just tired…

  • - Tuesday, April 11, 2006

    work at the cleaners this morning. It was a mirical that I got there without falling asleep at the wheel, causing an accident. I was soo tired. I thought I was gonna.

    anyways. as I was expecting, since sunday, I got bitched at today, about the stuff I didn’t get to on sunday. Seriously, it’s like WTF! They’re asking teh impossible with the amount of stuff they want done, and in the amount of time they want it done in. and they’re all chewing me out about it. I soo wanna quit… I gotta get my butt down to best buy and apply. But for now, I’ll just stick with the a**h****, cause 1. It pays a little better then the theatre,  2. I’m not getting enough hours at the theatre,   and 3. I like starting work early, cause then I finish earlier.
    So, I’ll just wait and see how it goes.

    then home…
    …and some more of teh usual b.s. goin on with teh usual person….

    drew me up a comic. About a conversation I had with Doran at work yesterday.

    SOTD: Nobody’s Home – Avril Lavigne
    H/M: good/too much effin b.s. goin on…