Month: March 2008

  • my own featured question…..

    would you get hit by a truck going 30mph for $500,000?

  • What was the first album you bought?

    the oliver and company soundtrack from the disney store…. that was with my parents money. but the first album I bought with my own money, probably would have been The Offspring’s Splinter album. about 4 years ago.
    yeah, when I was younger I’d be spending my money on video games. never music.


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  • This is another awesome movie. It’s called Prison-A-Go-Go. It’s about an all female prison. and that’s all you need to know. hehe.
    the only complaint is that there are no girl on girl scenes. What the heck! I know. How can  you have a movie set in a female prison and not have any girl on girl scenes? Crazy I tell ya! the director has lost his mind.
    but I have to give the director props for adding in a count down timer until the next shower scene. now that was genius.

  • Who are the top five people that inspire you and why?

    1. Marilyn Manson – cause he’s awesome.
    2. John Rocker – cause he’s racist and freely speaks his mind about it, and other stuff. like gay people.
    3. Bob Saget – cause he’s p.i.m.p.
    4 and 5 would be the guys on Wedding Crashers. they’re  like my heroes.. well, at least in the first part of the movie… – that’s pure genius right thurr. and they got maxx skillzorz.

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  • If you could put together a dream team of 5 bands to perform for you and friends, who would they be?

    Awwwwhhh Shnap. this question was soo made for me. haha. yea right, and the other 500 people anwering this.

    first off, most importantly it would be a reunion show for Grind Method. teh greatest band of all time.
    STOIC F.B.
    Shawn Davenport
    M.C. Papa Chuck aka C.J. Kema aka Charles Kema
    and then I’d have to get Hate The Kiss to play their first and only show.

    yes, they are all local bands.
    cause major label bands are mostly all sell outs. and SELL OUTS SUCK!


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  • some random thoughts….

    I’m never going to get my homework done…. cause it’s going to take forever to get done, and I don’t have that long…. stupid work for the next 4 days……

    year and a half anniversary with the woman today….

    i’m getting fat…

    talking to Jacqueline today. totally set her straight. like they say, kablam in her face. it was sweet.

    J-Show has a couple freggin awesome songs on his page. I especially heart the acoustic version of “Little Joe” over S1-Atomic’s version.

    J-Bone’s 39th B-Day is on April 6th… gotta remember. gotta send him a heavy duty metal spatula in the mail. cause “Eeerryybody from the 313, put your ***** ***** hands up and follow me”
    and then Jason will be all like, “Fuck Free World!”

    Me and Matt totally owned some kid at work, last last sunday. He comes up asking if we still had smash bros. I told him I think we have one copy left.
    he asks if I can hold it for him for like 45 mins.
    I tell him ok.
    He gets all super excited and thanks me. then goes over to the Wii display to watch Smash Bros. on the screen.
    Then some guy comes up to matt with the case and asks for it.
    matt pauses with the case in hand for a second. goes to the draw, pulls one out, and is like, “oh, last copy!” and starts to ring the guy up.
    I look over to where the kid was, and he’s all looking and leaning to get a better view. with a sad and concerned look on his face.
    I run into the back before I burst out laughing.
    matt comes in later to say after he put the case down on the side, the kid came over and started looking through the stack.

    then the next day, was pretty awesome too. I had school and it was the best day ever. didnt do much in ICS 121… then in ICS 105, this ex-english and business teacher from U.H. did his presentation and took up like half an hour since he’s right at home trying to relive his glory days giving lectures.
    and in Geology class, there was like 5 of us that showed up. and he was passing around a whole bunch of rocks, some of the same ones multiple times, and most of which he had us pass around a million times before in every single class before that. it’s pretty funny.

    Finally beat smackdown vs. raw 2008. freggin awesome.

    got like 3,800 gamer points in less than a week.

    been spending too much money lately. I really need to get back to saving it.

    Uploaded the Trailer and Music Video for one of teh greatest movies of all time. The Halfway House.

    The Trailer: disclaimer-has a bunch of naked hotties in it. ooooh yeahh!!!!!! haha.

    The Music Video: disclaimer-song sucks but it’s funny to laugh at the ghey goth singer.

  • How do you get over someone that doesn’t love you back?

    make out with as many hotties as possible.


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  • What was your first job?

    MILF Hunter…  haha.
    It’s a tough job, but somebody’s gotta do it.


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  • I want to update………. BUT…….
    oooh, there’s always a “but……”
    I haven’t had the time….
    hopefully I’ll get to it on friday. cause i…………. Darn! no, i won’t have time on friday either…….
    That’s Effin Gay.