Month: April 2008

  • Grand Theft Auto 4

    the greatest game ever made. period.

  • What would be a legitimate reason to break up with your significant other?

    this one’s a no brainer…. If you find someone wayy hotter than they are.




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  • I found a few awesome pictures.

    This Guy knows how to handle things

    Damn Right!

    She Knows her role…


    …Somebody better teach this girl, hers


    This guy is my hero


    and heres a few more self explanatory ones


    P.S. i uploaded them to my photo blog, so if you want to see any picture a bit bigger, then just click on it.

  • What is the weirdest question anyone has ever asked you?

    I’m actually usually the asker of weird questions, rather than the askie….
    Like even just today I asked this guy that comes into gamestop all the time if he Ever picked up a hitch hiker before cause if he does pick them up then I wanted to ask him if He would ever pick up a hitch hiker that has blood on his shirt and is also carrying a chainsaw…. just like in this picture:

    well… he hasn’t picked up a hitch hiker before…. but he has hitch hiked….
    he said some crazy guy picked him up too. He had magazines of child porn in the back seat. haha.
    he said he had his hand on his switch blade in his pocket the whole time, ready to punch holes in him if he tried anything. haha. but he didn’t… and he actually got a ride from the same guy 2 more times after that.

    and then also today, I asked a co-worker of mine, “what if you were going out with a girl, and then she tells you that she used to be a man…. what would you do?” hahaha.

    oooh, and the dumbest questions from this kid in high school. to the teacher in health class, “if a guy shoots on the ground, and cockroach crawls over it, will the cockroach get pregnate?”
    and when the bathroom pass fell into a crack between the urinal and the wall, he asked the teacher if he had a sword so he could get it out… HAHA!!! a sword!?!?! what kind of teacher carries around a mother effin sword?!!!! LOL.

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  • Who was the teacher who made the most positive impact on you?

    Brother B! haha. with out him constantly going out of his way to do more than is ever expected of him, I and many others would have probably failed another foreign language class. Culture Class was the best class ever!!!! Throwing pencils in the ceiling…. who could forget that “brother has a boner” day. lol, everyone was trying soo hard to cover up their laughter. and that time Chris was acting like he was floating around the room with his hoodie. All those arguments between Chris and Marcus…. All those crazy videos he showed us. with the, “I’ll fancy your ass!” and the “Noo Dad, nooo” haha. the first being some kid getting raped in some juvenile boys prison, then the second would be some kid lying on his side in bed, facing away from the door. He hears the door open, and his dad comes walking in and places his hand on his shoulder…. hahaha. then there was like some mexican one or something, that probably could have passed for a porno…. yes, that class was the best… except at the end of the year when got back at us for all the times we made him snap…. he put on a video of people doing autopsies… soo gross…

    Then mr. normand would have to come in a close second… “what shun, don’t be shtupit shun!” “hah, shun? faggin out shun?”
    at the start of every year, he calls out 3 of the biggest guys in class. haha. I remember one time he was like, “come on shun, you wanna go? I’ll put you in the hospital. and if your dad wants to come too, I’ll put him in the hospital too.” LOFL!!!!!!
    his first year teaching, he had a bunch of seniors for art class…. they’re all thinking it’s going to be all cruise, do whatevers, and stuff…. but instead they get Mr. Normand, some crazy ex-special forces sniper war veteran dude. and on the first day he tells them, 100% completely dead serious, “…if you want to mess with me, that’s fine, but if you touch my wife or my son, I’ll Kill You.” hahaha!
    mr. olympic gold medal in vollyball….
    I like his thoughts about prom… how it’s the biggest rip off ever. people spending like $500 for a one night “dinner and a dance.” he’s like, “you know, you can save that money and take your girlfriend out to a movie every weekend for a whole year. buy her a large popcorn and drink too.” haha.
    and the state championship track meet fell on like the same day as prom. so he was trying to convince on of the guys to go to the track meet. “you know, you can either have a one night dinner and a dance with some girl you won’t even be going out with 5 years from now, or a silver state championship medal that lasts for a lifetime. it’s your choice. you know, if you wanna bet on it that he won’t be going out with her 5 years from now, i’ll galdly take your guys’ money. we can all just put $100 each into the pot, and i’ll tell you guys I told you so, in 5 years. and then I’ll take the money and I’ll go to the movies with my wife and kid every weekend for a whole year.” lol.

    “Someone Once Said Shun.”

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  • If you placed an ad in the personals, what would it read?

    ****** here’s my number. If you’re a hott chick, call me.


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  • …..ahhh so, another 4:20 come and gone……. haha.

    in other news….

    This guy is my hero.
    he knows how to handle things.

  • What’s something about yourself that you hope will never change?

    oooh, too late. it changed already. haha.


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    FOUR!!!!! TWENTY!!!!!!!



  • xTRUExLIFEx haha.

    So, guess who’s a Xanga TRUE member? I’M A XANGA TRUE MEMBER!!!!!!!! CHEEEE!!!!!!!
    I thought you just had to be lucky to get the TRUE badge, but noo, apparently nobody wanted to let me in on their little secret of having to send in a request /apply for the TRUE badge…. It’s right next to the place where you can also turn on or off your LIFEtime badge, that no one told me about either. I had to email the freggin support people to have them turn my LIFE badge on, back in teh O.G. dayz…. gosh.

    Unwritten Law is going to be here next month. Tickets go on sale later today….. I want to go…. but for like 60 bucks a ticket…… I don’t know….
    and I kind of also wanna go see that Cirque Dreams: Jungle Fantasy thing. supposed to be like some kind of Circus Olay shit goin on.

    I’m up wayy to late right now. I gotta work in the morning….. and then I gotta go do some filming for one of my classes. I get to use one of those super cool expensive cameras. Though it’s kind of scary…. cause if it’s lost, stolen, broken, etc…. guess who has to pay for it……. should be fun though. get some girls gone wild shit goin on. ahh yea… haha.