Month: July 2010

  • Which country are you planning or hoping to visit next and why?

    Either France or the U.K., because of all the hott chicks over there with all their hott European accents. silly

    like her:


    or them:


    OR THEM!!!! 


    hehe. winky

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  • Pirates of the Caribbean!

    So today, I’m driving to work… I go the long way (barely adding on a whopping 5 mins, if even, is called “the long way”) aka the scenic route cause the normal way I go has road work going on and the road goes along the ocean/bay and every now and them i’m stealin a quick glance at the view. And I see like a platform and A big crane out in the middle of the bay. Had no idea what that was for… and then I’m passing by the “Jurassic Park” place. and they got all these tents set up over there. So I’m like oooh, looks like they’re filming something, wonder what it is… maybe the new hawaii five-0?

    I call it the Jurassic Park place cause I can clearly see exactly where one of the scenes on JP3 was done. the scene when he’s in the forest and there’s the Raptors around him…. don’t remember it? don’t worry, nobody does. I don’t even remember that movie except for that one part. and I remember they put the JP3 sign up on the fence when they were over there. They also used to have the Thunder In Paradise boat over there for like forever, years and years and years it sat there. You know that movie with Hulk Hogan….. And then they had the busted up Airplane from LOST over there now since like the show first came on. It’s all wrapped up in a blue tarps.

    tangent…. anyways. the tents are on the right side, and then I look to the left to the Pier and I’m all “Oooh Shnap! It’s the Black Pearl!!!” hehe. The Black Pearl for the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie is docked at Heeia Pier right now…

    Of course I turned in, and took a quick picture. though, I was on my way to work and didn’t feel like being late today so I didn’t wanna get out of the car to go get a good picture. took a couple pictures on my phone from the parking space i was in, but you can barely see it, cause other boats and stuff in the way……..


    And yes, if you were still wondering… yes, it did look pretty awesome. hehe. silly


  • What’s your opinion of the death penalty? Does this issue determine which politicians you support?

    as Rocky would say, “Go For It.”

    If I was on the Jury, I’d have no problem with helping give someone the death penalty. laughing


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  • New Slim Xbox 360

    Cheee! I got the new Slim Xbox 360 today.


    Originally wasn’t planning on picking this up, until November. Since I was expecting Microsoft to release a system bundle that included the Kinect. You know that motion camera accessory that they’re going to make…

    But Microsoft just announced that the only system bundle that they will be making with the Kinect will be with the 4GB model system…. There ain’t no way that I’m going to get a 4GB system instead of the 250GB.

    So I called up Best Buy to see if they had it, and as you already guessed, yes they did have it and they put one on hold for me too. The reason for going to best buy instead of gamestop? because Best Buy offers a 2 year warranty, versus a 1 year at gamestop…

    So yea, i spent just a couple dollars under $400 on this thing today…. and i’m not entirely sure why…. other than when the Kinect comes out I’ll only have to plug it into the new system, where as the old one you have to also plug it into the wall outlet… And I can also now easily transfer items between my characters on Fable 2….. IDK…… it’s shiny? silly


    So far It’s giving me a headache on trying to transfer my content. because I want to keep my content on my old hard drive too, for my old xbox that I still have. But if I do a transfer all at once It deletes the stuff off the old hard drive. The only way to copy stuff over and keep it would be to click on each game individually and copy it one by one. and some of them don’t even offer a copy option that way…. Right now I’m using a program to copy my old hard drive to my computer… all 238GBs of data….. after that I’ll do the batch transfer to my new xbox. and then restore the content from my computer back onto the old hard drive…. goinna take awhile….

  • zohmygosh. it feels soo good to be able to freely chew my food how ever i want. Last week monday I FINALLY got the “crown” or whatever they call it put in. I like to call it my new tooth. In the middle of MARCH!!! I woke one day to a broken tooth, there was like a hole in it. my upper right, near the back. Basically a bunch of delays and too many dentist visits to count, 4 months later!!!! it’s finally all done. So for the past 4 months I’ve had to try to only chew my food on my left side.

    and that’s not all of it. a few months before that, my tooth on my upper left side used to hurt. for like almost a year. so I’d usually try to chew on my right side. At first it was very sensitive, especially to anything cold. but after a while it got better.

    but it really feels like the first time in a year and a half that I can eat and drink with out worrying about what side to chew on or if it’s too cold. it’s such a relief.

  • What the number one thing on your bucket list?

    Party like it’s 1999.  silly


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  • Super Awesome.

    Just saw a House on the back of a trailer. like a full on full house. Coolest thing i’ve seen recently. I know it’s not an uncommon thing for a 18 wheeler to be pulling a house on it. but i thought usually they cut up the house in sections or at least in half. Wasn’t that a scene in a rush hour movie? but yea, this was a full on house. 100% together on the road.

    Pic and video update to follow soon….

  • Just DL’d like 150 Gigs in two days. hehe. Yay! laughing

  • What defines a great life?

    no ball and chain. aka married.


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